Birth Charts
Your birthchart is a picture of the sky the moment you are born and gives you an accurate picture of your personality traits and hi-lights your strengths and weaknesses.
Although your Sun sign is vastly important in the overall analysis of your birth chart other planetary positions and your ascendant are largely prominent in your personality and contribute to your uniqueness. If you are a fire sign with all water planets you will appear very different from a fire sign that has planets mainly in earth signs. Your moon is also important in the way you express your-self emotionally. A full birthchart can help you to understand your-self and ways of relating to the world, in addition to knowing how to use your birth gifts to your advantage. Want to know your-self better? Contact us.
Although your Sun sign is vastly important in the overall analysis of your birth chart other planetary positions and your ascendant are largely prominent in your personality and contribute to your uniqueness. If you are a fire sign with all water planets you will appear very different from a fire sign that has planets mainly in earth signs. Your moon is also important in the way you express your-self emotionally. A full birthchart can help you to understand your-self and ways of relating to the world, in addition to knowing how to use your birth gifts to your advantage. Want to know your-self better? Contact us.